

Conflict Resolution

The Arab Center for Consulting and Training Services (ACCTS-AWT) through its Awareness Program seeks to generate a new class of Jordanian women; through increasing knowledge, raising awareness, motivating them to embrace positive attitudes by pursuing positive change in their personal, spiritual and social life. ACCTS aims that women know themselves and change their perspective of themselves, boost their self-esteem, through renewing mindsets, creating awareness on gender equality and violence issues, in addition to developing their communication with others, and providing a place for women to come seeking help and counseling.

Are you afraid of conflict? This is perfectly normal! Instinctively, our brains tell us that conflict is dangerous, so our natural inclination is to do battle or run away. However, fear of conflict can turn leaders, managers and employees into ‘psychological hostages’ who are paralyzed and unable to challenge others. The truth is that we can use well managed conflict to bring enormous benefits to people and companies. In fact, conflict management is often one of the biggest drivers of change. Properly handled, it can help people to be more innovative and can create stronger bonds, build effective teams and improve performance. The key is to openly face an issue and negotiate a win-win outcome- George Kohlrieser IMD Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior.

ACCTS’ Conflict Resolution workshops aim to teach individual skills for conflict resolution, to help them differentiate between concepts such as: Competition vs. cooperation, and avoid sending self-centered messages when communicating through dialogue, discussing verbal and non-verbal barriers. Training material is enriched by self-assessments performed by trainees.
Consequently, tangible change on the personal level is reaped from the organized workshops teaching those skills. To know more about our other Awareness Programs, visit (What we do- Women- Women Empowerment- Raising Awareness). 

“The training I received in this center is very much applicable to my daily life; it made my relations more fruitful and peaceful. I am so happy with all that you present.”- A participant

And for more feedback from our different Awareness Program workshops, please visit the following link: Impact- Stories- Women- Women Empowerment- Raising Awareness.