The website presents topics related to Arab women nowadays on various physical, psychological, and spiritual levels. Through a variety of means and tools such as articles with different titles and fields having spiritual Christian implications and writings, that we can directly or implicitly present based on Biblical concepts and facts. The website provides followers with reading and audio materials. It also provides a service where they can send their comments and inquiries through the website.
The website aims to enhance the Arab-Christian content that is appropriate to serve contemporary women of the current time regardless of their various social, cultural, and other backgrounds. We use the website’s materials on our social media pages or through follow-ups, each according to the domain in which they need support.
We have writers of different age groups, men and women. On the one hand, some have psychological experience providing the website with the mechanisms it needs to deal with the psychological aspects, but from a Biblical and spiritual standpoint. On the other hand, some share from the reality of his challenges or the truth of his situation. This diversity in writers and mechanisms’ approaches of topics falls under the various sections covered and included in the website.
Click here to visit our Arabic website www.arabwomantoday.com.