

Balanced Life

The Arab Center for Consulting and Training Services (ACCTS-AWT) through its Awareness Program seeks to increase knowledge, raise awareness, and motivate Jordanian women to break the cycle of destructive social practices. Besides embracing positive attitudes by pursuing positive change in their personal, spiritual and social life, renewing mindsets, and creating awareness on gender equality and violence issues.

The Balanced Life Program aspires to give women the chance to reflect on their current roles in life and seek balance. 

Arab woman today’s original curriculum is the essential source used for the Program, besides some other books primarily focusing on leadership, such as “Today matters” for Author John C. Maxwell.

Healthy roles grow out of the soil of diligent Spiritual, Physical, Mental, and Emotional Care

The Program focuses on topics such as Identifying personal values; The wheel of life; Today can be wonderful; Managing my heart-attitude; my priorities, and my health; Managing my family and thinking; Managing my relationships, Managing my personal growth.

We seek through this program to impart wisdom on how to maintain a balanced life. The awareness training has been a remedy for the lives of many women trainees who took serious life changing decisions for balance, healthier, and more fruitful lifestyles. 

As much as the whole journey of ACCTS awareness programs is important, yet this one program in particular is highly influential since it brought radical changes, balance and life to many who were on the verge of collapse; whether in personal and family issues, marital relationships, finances, health or work. Simply because it opened the eyes for a needed change before it was too late.

Consequently, tangible change is reaped on the personal level as women stories continue to flow. The fulfilled longing left them unable but to share the material with others in their sphere of influence. 

A longing fulfilled is a tree of life

ACCTS - AWT -through this training has achieved one of its first goals that it has been pressing on toward:

Touching Community through Impacting Leadership