

Psychosocial Program

“Psychological First Aid is a humane practical supportive response to a fellow human
Being who is suffering and who may need support.”

1. Encourage recovery
 2. Buffer from secondary victimization
 3. Assist with needs

The projects evolves from the TearFund supported Psychosocial, and Trauma Support Syrian women providing opportunities for psycho education through the trauma care workshops in Irbid. The Syrian women were grateful and appreciative of the workshops, which provided them some safe space to share with ACCTS/AWT coaches and learn from the lectures. However, in a focus group discussion with the Syrian women participants, the women still have symptoms of nervousness from their experiences brought about by the conflict in Syria. It was also found out that all the women experienced violence but were too afraid and ashamed to report or at least share.

The projects are designed to respond to the continuing critical need for refugee women to access psychosocial support to help address Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV) and conflict related trauma. Consequently, it will provide increased awareness to SGBV, referral pathways and support networks, reporting and prevention of violence; better distress or trauma coping mechanisms for themselves and members of their family. It will improve intra and interpersonal relations and decision-making.

To know more about the multiple Training of Trainers (TOT) and Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV) trainings provided to coaches who support the psychosocial sessions, go through the following link and see how ACCTS invests in them (Link to What we do- Women- Women Empowerment- Training of Trainers and Sexual Gender Based Violenceand Coaching and Counseling Training).