Detox: Spiritual Formation and Generational Gap
Women trainees from the different Arab nations participate in the different sessions and activities of this training program addressing the theme Detox: that implies the need to do a spiritual, emotional and digital practical detox in our lives.
The generational gap is a subject that is not very much discussed as it is believed to be an inevitable matter. But it is crucial to address the issue if we want to maximize our effectiveness in whatever goal and vision we are aiming at. We need skills, perspectives, passion, maturity and energy from different age groups. Therefore, during the event, spotlights are directed on the ways to do so; practicing detox in different aspects of one’s life; spiritual, emotional and digital and its benefits. And through detox, achieving self-maturity and letting go of what is preventing us from collaborating effectively with the new generation.
This program emphasize the importance of letting go of some negative habits that can be toxic to our lives and the lives of our children.
It tackles two main Topics: Firstly, the spiritual growth and goes back to touch the basics in the leaders’ life that need discipline. Disciplines such as prayer, simplicity, solitude, and other spiritual disciplines for more growth and celebration in ministry life. Secondly, it approaches the new generation and the toxic appurtenances of technology in an attempt to raise awareness of the threatening dangers. On the one hand, it sheds the light on how to detox, filter or prevent negative practices. And on the other hand, it helps bring the generation of parents closer to the generation of youth which implies filling the gap through better communication and eventually protecting the coming generation.
Trainees will also have the chance to enjoy some quiet time with a daily morning devotional sessions through which they listen to Bible stories. Stories that are relevant to their lives and would help them have a special encounter with Jesus using their imagination to relive the scene; to think, feel, wonder and pray. A way to learn to hear the Lord’s voice speaking to them personally for change, freedom, or healing, then practically apply it to their life situations.
The workshops are conducted by some professional trainers in the field. Our trainers are normally friends or partners to the ministry from various countries besides Jordan, such as Egypt; Syria; the United States of America (USA); the Netherlands; Sweden and Canada.
Women may also have the chance to go off-site visiting some monuments or touristic attractions to enjoy a networking experience of tea and snacks fellowship.
We are continually uplifted by the women who attend this conference year by year, and the zeal they have for their home communities. Many were greatly moved by the sessions we host and we are grateful for their partnership with us. Through it, we are able to provide new material to women already in positions of leadership and help them on their journey.
A new planned strategy of follow-up has been implemented to hold Networkers accountable after having themselves worked out their own strategic plan, touching the area/areas that need an urgent change in their lives.
We sincerely hope that our precious attendees are refreshed by new ideas, perspective shifts, changed mindsets and quality time with each other, ready to go back to their communities to bring forth change.
AWT desires to see those precious women reap the fruit of change and therefore impact their families, and eventually their society.
For more information, visit our Leadership Training Program under women empowerment.