

ACCTS October 2020 Newsletter

 "You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you." Psalm 128:2


Dear friends and partners,
The month of October was phenomenal and rich in activities. We reached out with a significant impact on the community, youth, and women. We received great feedback from the people we serve, and the team is working their fingers to the bone in preparation for our upcoming leadership training this coming November. 
We are glad to share with you that our son Ramzi proposed to a wonderful woman from Jordan. Please keep them in your prayers for the Lord to guide their future steps.
Your prayers, friends and partners, avail much.
Nabeeh and Ruba Abbassi



AWT in support of breast cancer
On breast cancer month, AWT has dedicated the team and the social media platforms to lift the spirits of cancer patients and their loved ones. We wanted to fill them with hope and pray for their healing. Because we are aware of the importance of spiritual health to help promote a positive desire to fight the battle with cancer, based on the truth of God's word, he is "Yahweh-Rapha": their healer. His presence will reduce their anxiety and strengthen their faith to receive their healing.
Therefore, we interviewed two cancer survivors, shedding light on their faith journey and relationship with God that was the key to leading them into victory, and another specialist in a heart-to-heart dialogue on health and psychological support. We provided practical, helpful tips and advice on approaching the disease and techniques on how patients, families, and loved ones should deal with their thoughts and emotions during the treatment process. We shared with them how to handle pressures and adopt a new lifestyle.

The story behind a new logo dedicated to AWT
A fashion designer shared in the live-broadcast and contributed to our ministry by creating a printable logo design inspired by her life journey in acknowledging her identity. AWT has walked the journey of self-discovery with her and motivated her to create the design.
Moreover, since her mother is battling cancer, she chose to launch it this month and dedicated the first copy to AWT printed on a T-shirt as a gift. She tends to encourage other women on their way to discovering their identity and will help her market it through our social media page. It has been motivational to us, and we believe it would be as well to many.
"I seized the recess break at school to listen to the interview that led me into a journey of imagining what my reaction would be, should I had faced this tough experience. I learned what to do and how to deal with my family and kids, or whom to contact. It has been a fruitful, extraordinary meeting. At a glance and after pondering the words and instructions, I found myself feeling ready for the challenge, especially convinced that the AWT team will be my first support group after the Lord my refuge."

"Thank you for the life witness of God's greatness, patience, and longsuffering. I did not know Christ, but the Lord opened my eyes, and I experienced true salvation. Our God is good."



Could you help us provide Christian counseling?

    AWT offered counseling sessions for women seeking answers on how to deal with their personal needs and anger, aiming to help them recognize who they are and how their characters have been shaped to fulfill their needs for peace and security based on their identity in Christ. AWT was able to counsel 239 women in 2019.
    Please help us continue and make a difference in the lives of women today through your generous donation to ACCTS.




  • A gift of $50 provides one session of Christian counseling for a woman.

  • A gift of $300 can help one woman participate in the on-ground life-growth program.


Empowering the community through media



Empowering youth
Parliament elections are taking place next month in Jordan; therefore, ACCTS sought to educate the youth and enhance their role in exercising their constitutional right in parliamentary elections in November 2020. Christian youth have to have an impact on their society. Thus, and as part of the youth initiative, we conducted an awareness event clarifying the concept of the civil state and the importance of separating the religion and the state in a session led by Dr. Nabeeh Abbassi, Director of ACCTS, who emphasized that we shouldn't compromise Christianity in our representation. Also, a life panel on social media addressed the civil state from both the Islamic and political perspectives. Panelists: Dr. Amer Al Hafi, Professor Comparative religion Al albayt University and academic adviser for Institute for Inter-faith Studies and Mr. Jameel Nimri, Journalist and Former Parliament Member. Dr. Nabeeh moderated the session and joined the discussion. A third session differentiated between freedom and discipline, where Dr. Suhail Jouaneh shared what Christianity offers in this regard.


Equipping women
"We aim to see our community based on social justice. If the community gives women the opportunity and the resources they need, they will reach the highest positions and achieve great success, eventually benefitting their families and society. Women must support each other. It all begins at home when the mother supports her daughter and also receives support from her friends or colleges or managers." It is part of what Ruba Rihani, director of ACCTS, shared with the Jordanian audience in an interview on Radio Jordan. 
I listened to your interview, and I am following you step by step. I liked your encouraging words for the women and giving credit to the team working with you. When you mentioned, "What would happen if women had the resources and sufficient encouragement?" I thought of the many potential women leaders who do not have the resources, so their zeal quenches. We have a responsibility as women to encourage and support each other. I am happy that my daughter and I are attending the training that would take place this November. – A comment from a beneficiary.

We want to share some refreshing fruit in this end-of-year giving season of bountiful blessings.
"I applied the method of clarity and transparency with my team even to the smallest details because I was only sharing headlines. It made them carry the out work with me as if we have become leaders of this team. Everyone is striving to make our ministry successful. I thank the Lord first and then thank you for all the applicable teaching." – The Inductive Bible Study
"I benefitted from the tips that I learned about enhancing my current CV and the research tools on LinkedIn, and from the assignments that we did. I made a summary guide of the training, and I am now working on the practical side from setting goals to self-promotion to writing a CV. I have finished the setting goals phase, and I will move to self-promotion." – How to build my career life training.










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