


ACCTS Newsletter

ACCTS October Newsletter

“For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.” 2 Corinthians 4:17


Dear friends and partners,

We quoted the above verse on the occasion of a historic visit by a VIP. We will let you know his name in our next special edition.  Only God can open such doors and opportunities. We are encouraged, and sure, you will be too. Now it is for you to guess who our special guest was on Thursday the 24th of October.

We thank all who sponsored the Dead to Red race. We received the support we needed! Because of you, Ruba participated with her team, and she is redoing it for the third time this November. The team is now intensifying their efforts through training and thrilled to take the plunge and join this tournament, aspiring to achieve their ultimate goal of this initiative.
For more about Dead2Red Race, visit this
Nabeeh and Ruba Abbassi


The Annual Network fifteen years in a row

This October was the fifteenth Annual Networking Conference for Arab Woman Today. Christian women from across North Africa and the Middle East came together for a time of training and equipping. Women were encouraged by each other and shared their hearts and ministries and what God is doing in harsh territories like Jerusalem and Syria. Their concepts widened, and they searched deeper into their souls.



ACCTS hosted fifty-three women from eleven Arab countries and equipped them on how to manage pain in their lives as leaders, whether psychologically or spiritually. AWT provided counseling for women privately.
The level of interaction through games and activities, along with opportunities for networking, created an enriching atmosphere for all. Not to mention the impact of an encounter with an influential Christian leadership figure, heading a well-known private school in Jordan, who shared her heart, pain, and struggles in her leadership journey.



Women were encouraged by each other and shared their hearts and ministries and what God is doing in harsh territories like Jerusalem and Syria. Their concepts widened, and they searched deeper into their souls.

One woman from the Holy Land shared her heart and said, “I received my healing today; it is the first time I speak about the pain resulting from my daughter’s fiancé passing away. The Lord spoke to me during the sessions. It is the first time I speak about it without tears. You are warriors who are mobilizing and equipping soldiers for spiritual battle. You stand at the front lines. It is how we support each other and cover each other in prayers. Seeing your mighty work, I woke this morning and prayed for you, and the Lord gave me these words from Psalm 68: 10-12: “Your people settled in it, and from your bounty, God, you provided for the poor. The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng: Kings and armies flee in haste; the women at home divide the plunder.”
Read more on the
news page and learn more about ACCTS Leadership program.



ACCTS Community Center and Arab Woman Today are continuing the excellent work they are already doing. Your prayers and giving are supporting us! It is the time of year I encourage you to consider where God would have you to invest in the work he is doing. We also invite you to consider how your giving can make a kingdom impact. By God’s grace and generosity, we can continue serving. To give a one-time gift or monthly giving, click on donate.


You can choose to support an abused woman to receive counseling. A gift of $100 helps cover the cost of one counseling session with a professional counselor. These sessions are expensive; however, any gift can make a difference in the life of a woman on her way to healing.

We invite you also to consider a one-time gift of any size to help the community center to continue to serve those in need. So, will you help us serve the refugees for the next month?


Handmade products by our trainees at the center.



Irbid Community Center continues to serve the least fortunate in the north. This month ICC held a workshop on self-esteem to a group of Syrian refugees and poor Jordanians living in the north.

Read more on the news page and learn more about ICC.


Praises and Thanksgiving

  • Continuing to build relationships. A promising partnership with a Christian party at the Holland parliament for youth development.

  • The fruit we are reaping and witnessing in the lives of women through our different programs.


A discipled woman through our Nouara Program shared, “You have restored a whole family. There was no fruit in our ministry. You refreshed us and motivated us to work. Nouara was an electric bolt that revived our numbed church body. If it were not for you, we would not have completed it. You made us feel the responsibility, and our team started to work. I can feel it!”
We witnessed the change in the lives of women being followed-up through our private counseling on social media. Find Below some of the encouraging feedback from our precious women.
“I began to work on herself to be mentally and emotionally independent and started looking for a job.”
“I was able to set boundaries for people in my extended family and at work, and I made them respect me. I feel empowered, and I can face others who hurt me. I am my support; I no longer wait for someone to support me.”
“I started to love myself. I know this now because I no longer get attached to anyone who would flirt or sweet talk me.”

For some encouraging stories from our different programs, you may visit our impact button on ACCTS website.


Prayer Requests

  • Lift our 2nd youth conference taking place this coming November.

  • Health and stamina to the team going under multiple pressures.










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