The ICC and its Range of Services
The ACCTS Irbid Community Center continues to provide the Syrian women refugees and vulnerable Jordanian with resilience and livelihood programs. This tendency helps the targeted categories to be productive members in their families to cope with their difficult situations. All of this being possible only by the support of the passionate staff.
12th of Feb 2019
Irbid, Jordan (ACCTS/ICC) - The activities and workshop offered at ICC are very wide and can suit different personalities, tastes and ages. They include:
· Sewing program:
This program is conducted twice a week for three months. Each session lasts for two hours. Beneficiaries are equipped with professional sewing skills that help them save their expense by doing their own adjustments and/or repairs to their clothes instead of depending on the tailors. This skill enables them to make their own clothes, curtains, pillows, etc. Not only can they save their living expenses but also create income by selling their products.
· Soap Making:
The program is conducted twice a week for two months. Each training session lasts for two hours. The program aims to equip beneficiaries with up-to-date knowledge and practices on making quality soap by using natural ingredients in addition to other hygiene products needed at home. All the ladies who joined the program could provide their families with all kinds of hygiene products they need at home.
· Hand Crafts:
The program is conducted twice a week for two months. Each training session lasts for two hours. The program focuses on training beneficiaries on how to manufacture handicrafts such as the formation of beads accessories and natural straw art in addition to making candles, perfume makeup skills and printing skills on mugs and glassware.
. Awareness raising lectures:
The center provides ladies with lectures and delivers various awareness raising sessions that include different topics that are of high concern to beneficiaries. Those awareness raising sessions focus on priority topics relating to health, legal support, psycho-social, and other areas of interest to beneficiaries.
. Day-Care Activities
The center provides spaces to beneficiaries’ children who are accompanying their mothers to visit the center or to join courses in it. This tends to reduce the concerns about where to leave their children while attending the lessons. Parents are aware of the fact that their children could benefit from spending time at the center. They are instructed to identify colors, alphabets, basic language (greetings, self-introduction and others), numbers in English, knowing the time. They also learn to share and play with other kids. They enjoy drawing, painting, practicing guided sports, listening to music and songs.
. Informal Pre-Kindergarten program
The center provides Informal Pre-Kindergarten program. The pre-school curriculum at the center is designed to encourage 4 to 5-year-old children to be imaginative, energetic, inquiry-based learners who explore the classroom environment with curiosity and purpose.
The preschool teacher conducts different kinds of activities such as playing with sands, dough, balloons, painting, drawing, listening to music and singing songs besides teaching them basic Arabic, English and Math.
These activities contribute to the psychological level of the children in order to satisfy their tendencies and desires through playing and visual observations. It attracts their attention and removes their fear. They have the freedom to play with their peers without fear of being away from their mothers; which will also help both children and their parents in the future when they join formal schools.
The impact made by these programs has been very rewarding so far. Beneficiaries expressed their satisfaction and thus the programs have proven themselves viable. We hope to see the numbers of people attending increase, as it would mean an increase in the number of transformed lives.