Basic Principles that underpin case management include:
Ensuring the survivor/child is the primary actor in case management
Empowering the survivor/child and ensuring that he/she is involved in all aspects of the planning and service delivery
Respecting the wishes, the rights, dignity needs and capacity of the survivor/child
Providing emotional support by demonstrating a caring attitude towards the survivor/child
Providing information to the survivor/child to allow him/her make informed choices about services requested
Listening and establishing rapport and a trusting relationship, which creates a supportive environment in which the survivor/child can begin to heal
Ensuring non-discrimination by treating every survivor/child in a dignified manner irrespective of his/ her sex, background, race, ethnicity or circumstances of the incident(s)
Steps of case management:
Initial assessment
Initial response and intervention (also known as case planning and implementation)
Follow-up, review (sometimes including a case conference) and closure
Service evaluation summarizes the basic steps of the process. Case management agencies are responsible for assessing CP and GBV cases and providing full case management services including:
- Establishing rapport and developing a trusting relationship
that creates a supportive environment in which the survivor/child
can begin to heal
- Being the contact point for needs assessment and follow up
- Providing and coordinating services and follow-up of service provision
Throughout the process, the case manager and the agency ensure that:
All paper documentation is stored in its own individually and is coded
All referrals and case information shared by email should be password protected to access documents and computers
Confidentiality and safety of information is maintained. Original copies of completed initial intake referral forms and consent forms should be led in the respective offices in lockable cabinets. All forms with identifying information including consent forms are kept separate from intake forms, which are coded and include details of the incident. Completed intake forms should never be transferred or shared between agencies to maintain the safety, security and confidentiality of information
All papers are kept in a secure place in a lockable cabinet. Rooms containing paper and electronic information must be locked securely when staff leaves the room. All staff should be aware of the importance of being vigilant as to who is entering the room where they work and for what purpose.