

Joint Social Activity at ICC

Joint Social Activity

Away from formal training ICC treats beneficiary women giving an opportunity for fellowship and self-expression.


Feb 24, 27 and March 8, 2018



Irbid, Jordan (ACCTS-AWT) - Beneficiaries at Irbid Community Center (ICC) made it a habit to have a joint breakfast at the end of the last session of each course.

Even food is scarce at home, beneficiaries brought plates of food from their homes to join a table and eat together. In order to promote solidarity in the center, plus establishing social and cultural harmony between Syrian and Jordanian women. The meal gives them the opportunity not only to share food, but also to talk and try to understand each other away from formal training.

Sharing food, especially as part of the Arab world’s traditions, is the most intimate act you can perform to express your hospitality and love to your partner. No great relationship can ever begin until you have eaten food from the same dish.