Economically and legally empowerment at the Jordan Valley
ACCTS served the lives of 21 activist women from civil society with two empowerment workshops.
8th August 2019
Sweimeh, Jordan (ACCTS, AWT) – Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians were motivated as they learned what it is like to be a productive woman. The workshop provided awareness of the Jordanian laws in support of women's labor to assist her step over the obstacles that prevent her from being productive. They acquired new insights to keep pace with this age and find work opportunities using modern technology and social media. Women also learned concepts relating to gender; its roles & basics, besides discussing society stereotypes and identifying national and international covenants for the equality between women and men.
The training targeted a less affluent area at the Jordan valley "The Ghor" called Sweimeh. Moreover, it had a positive impact on family and dealing with others on the attitude level as well.