"Embracing Her Potential" Available in English
Our first printed resource for women “The Arab Woman: Embracing her potential” is now translated and available for readers to purchase on Kindle and Amazon.
27th Nov. 2018
Amman, Jordan (ACCTS/AWT) – “The Arab Woman: Embracing her potential” is the first book released by Ruba Rihani Abbassi founder, manager and partner relations at ACCTS. It sheds light on the Christian woman who continues to suffer under double injustice within the family, society and perhaps the Church.
The book is as a window which opens up on the conditions of the Arab woman, her “reality”, but also shows us that there is no surrender but rather desires and aspirations for a better future. All these are discussed in seven chapters and are supported by authentic stories from the Arab world.
The book is now live and available in the Kindle Store and in the Amazon Store! The eBook and the printed copies are now available for readers to purchase in the Kindle store, and in the Amazon store.
We hope that this book will make a quantum leap towards a change in the status of women.