Strategies for Financial Violence
Mrs. Lubna Duwany provided our women with the means to gain financial security in their household and avoid economic abuse.
June 14, 2016
Amman, Jordan (ACCTS-AWT) – It has been proven that economic disempowerment of women plays a part in her acceptance to violence. Depriving a woman of the right to dispose of her economic resources or take part in making financial decisions that concern her, impact her future and make her totally dependent on others is a pure form of financial violence. Unfortunately, this subtle and insidious form of violence psychologically abuses the victim and makes it harder to define and report. As a result, women are left in a situation where they are made to feel mentally destabilized and powerless.
We invited Mrs. Lubna Dawany, an attorney and human rights consultant to give a workshop providing guidance in the area of financial violence. Twelve ladies attended and were reminded of their inalienable right to experience love and happiness in their relationships.
The women were first taught to speak up about violence through peaceful means and the use of professional organizations. Also, the women were encouraged to have their own income and establish their rights so that unfair conditions could be avoided. This guidance is essential for any individual to achieve personal financial security and thus gain greater influence in the decision-making of their household.
Many women were also able to speak up about their financial problems. One attendee realised that, although her husband claimed that she owned the house, she did not have any official documents declaring she was the owner.
For this reason, this workshop indicated how women could seek advice and help in abusive situations. Many were quick to acknowledge other institutions that help with abused women. This gave them a sense of security as they became more aware of the services established solely to help women in situations that undermine their inalienable human rights.
For more information, please visit: Women Empowerment.