The Servant Leadership Training
In partnership with WiW & NEO, AWT conducted an Inductive Bible Study Training.
September 2020
The program seeks to build capacity and focuses exclusively on leadership development and equipping potential Arab women leaders with tools to lead, build their teams, or start their ministries. Women shared their thoughts and observations and acquired guidance to develop their communities, display authenticity, and value people. Thirty-five women participated from nine different Arab countries, in addition to France and the USA.
The inductive Bible study is a spiritual formation and renewal for potential women leaders. The capacity-building component focuses exclusively on leadership development, building community, and displaying authenticity, valuing people, besides encouraging activating the acquired knowledge, because women have opportunities to lead other women yet lack leadership tools. This program applies the leadership development principles through an introduction to leadership from Romans 12, followed by specific leadership tools on how to start a women's ministry, bible study groups, and team building. Biblical characters were the applications used to run the sessions like Lydia and Deborah.
Some encouraging feedback from participants:
"I applied the method of clarity and transparency with my team even to the smallest details because I was only sharing headlines. It made them carry the out work with me as if we have become leaders of this team. Everyone is striving to make our ministry successful. I thank the Lord first and then thank you for all the applicable teaching."
"I was quite inspired by the teaching method because it was simple, rich and it affected and altered me."
We are looking forward to furthering partnerships and expanding influence to empower more women. Thank you, partners, for being part of making this happen.