

Such an Underestimated Virtue

Such an Underestimated Virtue


ACCTS Irbid Community Center held an awareness session with the aim to change mentalities on the subject of breastfeeding.


14th of July 2018



Irbid, Jordan (ACCTS-ICC) - ACCTS Irbid Community Center conducted an awareness-raising lecture on breastfeeding and its importance, which was attended by twenty-six Syrian and Jordanian ladies. It was in cooperation with Kitim Charity Association which hosted ICC and supported in reaching out to beneficiaries living in that town.  


As mentioned above, the focus was to bring consciousness among the participants on the many benefits of breastfeeding their newborn babies. Some of what has been mentioned was that it provides all the nutrients the baby needs during the first six months of his life. It satisfies his hunger and thirst, and at the same time it helps with his overall development and helps him resist infection and disease, even later in life. These are only a few of the number of benefits discussed during the session.


Another aspect of breastfeeding that was explored, was the benefits for the mothers. Not only is it convenient, cheap and always available, but it also reduces the risk of breast, ovarian cancer and hemorrhage immediately after delivery. But the most important benefit is that it helps create a loving bond between the mother and the baby.

We hope that mindsets have been changed on this subject and that the participants can see fruit in their own lives.