

Coaching and Counseling Training

Identification of local church partners, facilitator’s training for coaches and updating of workshop modules.

This project seeks to revisit the existing module and develop a comprehensive and integrated training/workshop module that will address a deeper and lasting relief from the distress or trauma caused by conflict or SGBV that will be adapted in the similar succeeding projects.

For the training of coaches for the upcoming 2 year project, the church will identify and nominate coaches for the workshops and since the local church is participating in the project, the churches will have to send their application to ACCTS-AWT who will then select based on criteria set between TearFund and ACCTS-AWT.

The main project activities that will complete the project’s goals include the review and development of a comprehensive and integrated workshop and training module; coordination and identification/invitation of the target participants; information dissemination to churches and application process to become a local church participant to the project; identification and nomination of coaches; training of coaches; monitoring and evaluation.
