Counseling Books
The book series on counselling, originally written by June Hunt, has been translated into Arabic and added to ACCTS’ library to provide the Arab public with a tool for a healthy management of one’s different aspects of life, for the inner-self and its relationship with its surrounding. Stories from the Arab world have also been added to make them more relevant to the readers.
This rich resource gives biblical guidelines to what we call friendship counseling. When you are not a certified counselor or a psychologist, you can still be a friend giving counsel through the practical, inspiring and life-changing wisdom of the Bible.
Family and Parenting
We dig deeper in the meanings of family and being a parent, more specifically the meaning of a mother and a father in the light of the Bible, through analyzing words and verses. Parents will have the opportunity to ‘evaluate’ their roles and see if they are walking in it the way as the Lord wills, based on verses from the Bible. Different subjects related to these topics are discussed, such as the different types of parenting, their effects on the children, the do’s and don’ts of discipline and referring to the church body as a model for family.
The book helps us to analyze the concept of marriage in the Bible, as per God’s intentions; how He designed it and its purposes. We know reality is quite different, but isn’t the best way to make the most of an invention to take a look at the instructions written by the inventor himself? We explore the roles of wives and husbands, how to separate Kingdom culture from earthly cultures for marriage, etc.… It doesn’t end there, deeper and harder issues such as broken marriage, the symptoms, the causes and solutions under the light of The Word, are mentioned and even more.
As the title indicates, this book is about the stage before marriage. It is sadly a stage not given enough importance to and not enough discussed. June Hunt sheds light on what is this stage all about and how crucial it is; the fundamental questions to ask the significant other, looking at biblical requirements for marriage, analyzing the reasons behind the decision to get married and many other important points. The couples committed to each other, through the book, can learn to see marriage through God’s perspective and His requirements for a “Christian wedding”, and decide if they really are ready for it or not.
Wounded Emotions
A big part of life is about living in community, connecting with people and being vulnerable. But with that, comes the very real risk of being bullied, or getting our emotions wounded and our hearts broken, sometimes intentionally, sometimes not. Through this book we discover ways to minimize, as much as possible, the effects of these circumstances on our hearts and minds, such as building healthy boundaries, learning how to say no, etc. For the damages that have already been done and those that would catch us off guard, we can learn the steps to recovery. Of course, all of the material is presented under the light of the scripture.
Destructive Emotions
This book is about emotions we feel towards the other but are more damaging for ourselves and our relationship with the Lord such as envy, jealousy and many other. It’s crucial to tackle them with the power of His word. This book teaches us in what way these emotions are dangerous and strategies, using The Word, to recognize the presence of those emotions/habits in our lives and how to replace them with healthy ones.
Building Bridges
“Loneliness can be the starting point for building bridges between us and God and others.” June Hunt. The author helps us to see loneliness as more than just an uncomfortable season of life. She dissects this feeling starting with exploring definitions, distinguishing it from aloneness and looking at examples from the Bible. Furthermore, she sheds light on symptoms and causes without forgetting to mention the steps to solutions; spiritual and very practical such as scriptures to meditate on and ways to reach out to others, thus build bridges.