

Pouring Into Our Staff

Pouring Into Our Staff

ACCTS held a day of training for its staff, gathering all the departments for a day of self-discovery and team dynamic analysis.


9th of November 2017


Rosary Sisters' Visitation Home, Amman,  Jordan- (ACCTS-AWT)- ACCTS held a training day especially for its staff, offering them a Trauma Care and Team Building workshop, at a guest house in Amman. The one day session gathered several groups such as AWT, CPD, services and finances department with the management. The workshop was conducted by the USA Scottsdale Bible Church’s staff and the lectures were given by David Walther, specialized in the topic.


The sessions were broken down into two themes. Firstly, the attendees were taught about the filling of the Holy Spirit. Secondly, they received Insights into personality and personal workstyle.

The participants were conducted to do some self-assessment and analysis/ discovery of their spiritual gifts through exercises and discussions.


This specially focused day on the staff was definitely well deserved and a step further in the work that ACCTS has envisioned, as taking care of “oneself”, the ACCTS staff body in this case, is the best way to guarantee productivity and fruitfulness on the field.