

Soap Manufacturing Program

Soap Manufacturing Program


ACCTS community center in Al-Husn has been conducting women empowerment programs to teach sustainable skills to vulnerable Syrian and Jordanian women, and one of them is Soap Manufacturing Program.

7th August, 2017


AlHusn, Jordan (ACCTS, Community Center) – Soap manufacturing has reportedly been one of the most practical training provided at the community center. This program focuses on providing vulnerable refugees and Jordanian women with training on how to produce bar soap (solid and liquid), laundry soap, dishwashing liquid, and floor gel etc.


Trainees can use their products to provide their families' needs, but the program can also be a source of income by starting their own business through selling their products to their relatives, friends, neighbors and other refugees.


We would also like to highlight that all the soaps produced by the trainees themselves are made without chemicals or preservatives.


Victoria was one of the ladies who joined the program from the 24th of April until the 25th of June. During the training course, she learned to produce different kinds of cleaning materials whether solid or liquid. She promoted her skills after graduating. Nowadays, she produces all natural oils needed for the natural soap manufacturing.


In addition, her daughter Manar, who joined computer classes at the center, produces to her the stickers needed for that purpose. Victoria is a hard working woman who keeps in touch with the center to participate in most of the activities held there.


Now she provides her family with all kinds of cleaning materials. In addition, she started her soap income generating project and got quite good amount of money to help her family.

She always expresses her gratitude to the center that empowered her with such skills which she hadn’t had before.


You can get a look at Victoria’s work, in addition to the pictures of the trainees and the products.